
Transparency and accountability


Number of visitors screened per day


Number of vehicles screened per day


Items seized from visitors per year

Financial statements

Responsibility for the integrity and objectivity of the accompanying PPS Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2024, and of all information contained in these statements rests with senior management.

These Financial Statements have been prepared by management in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards, using management’s best estimates and judgment where appropriate, and giving due consideration to materiality. Financial information submitted to the Public Accounts of Canada is consistent with these Financial Statements.

Senior management maintains a system of financial management, internal control and management practices designed to provide reasonable assurance that: the financial information is reliable, assets are safeguarded, resources are managed economically and efficiently in the achievement of PPS’s objectives.

Public committee appearances The Speakers of the Senate and the House of Commons must provide an estimate of the sums required to pay PPS expenditures before each fiscal year to the President of the Treasury Board, who must in turn lay it before the House of Commons with the estimates of the government for the fiscal year.

Proactive Publication

PPS is subject to Part 2 of the Access to Information Act and is consequently required to proactively publish information on travel expenses, hospitality expenses and contracts over $10,000 on a quarterly basis. However, as Part 1 of the Access to Information Act does not apply to parliamentary entities, PPS is not required to give access to its records.

Media Inquiries

Please submit your inquiry by completing the form below or send an email to Only media requests will be processed. Your inquiry will be automatically forwarded to a Communications representative for reply as soon as possible.

Report an emergency or suspicious behaviour to 613-992-7000 or 911